Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Our Very Own Spider Man

Today was the Teacher's Day celebration. I've to come late to school because the pizzas for the celebration will be sent to Mani's house at about 10am. So, for the first time in my life, I'm going to school late - on purpose. I went to Mani's house at about 9.30 and awhile later, the pizzas arrived.

We brought the pizzas to school and was surprised that the security guards at the main gate didn't asked us why we came late. I took the chance and asked him to help us keep the pizzas and bottled drinks at the booth.

After that, we had a class celebration for the teachers. A few guys had came up with a breakdance performance.

But, it feels so empty without me in their last minute touch up.

Look at my charm. Everyone is paying attention at my speech. I've got a real funny video. I will try to get it put together onto a website (when I find one) for you guys to download. You can ask it from me on MSN too.

Okay, let me give you a riddle. What colour is Spiderman? The answer is black. Why?

Yes. Mani is our very own Spiderman. He did a lot of high risk stuffs in school today. Most of them are taken in videos which I can only share when I get a space to host my videos. But I got some pictures though. Don't blink your eyes.

Errm, that was taken on the 3rd floor. This is some crazy shit.

For those of you in my school, you should know where this place is. I've got a video of this stunt too. This is located on the 4th floor of the school. I bet Mani is the first person to step on that roof.

The other stunts are in video. Some old thing, you'll have to wait until I find a host to store my files.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Monkey Business

Have you ever tried climbing to the 2nd floor from ground floor? I did that yesterday together with Mani.

For those of you in my school, you should know how this place looks like. We climbed from here to the 2nd floor. It was thrilling. Luckily, we didn't fall.

My next aim is to climb this building. I took this picture at Suntec when I went for the Spook Show. Anyhow snap, not so nice.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Spook Show

I went to The Spook Show today with Mani, Tabby, Shywal and Wen Ling. We were supposed to meet at CP at 11am sharp. In the end, Tabby and Wen Ling came at 11.40am. When they arrived, they act like we were supposed to wait for them.

Went to eat at Suntec's Food Court. Shyway lunch cost her $7 which included fried crabsticks, potato, meat and one more item which I forgot. I admire her stupidity for paying. After that, they bought drinks and chocolates at Carrefour and we went to the convention hall.

When we went in, we saw this man wearing a hood walking. He was supposed to walk around and scare us. Me and Mani wanted to pull his hood down but didn't because we decided to be nice. The other 3 girls were so scared of him. First time I see people scared of man wearing makeup. A bloody one.

The show was very nice. Lawrence Khong and his daughter Priscilla did some amazing magic stuffs even though some was a little fake. Too bad the show is over and I think must wait until next year. After that Lawrence, who is a pastor, talked about God and fear. Very interesting. Wonder why he talked about some boring stuffs at church.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Stupid People

I went home today to find a stranger in my house. She is my stepmother's confinement nanny and would be staying at my house for a month. I also saw this flower placed on the table.

On the first look, there was nothing wrong with it. I read the card on it and I almost fainted.

Thank you Doris. I found out that my baby sister has a penis! You are the best fool I have ever seen. The "baby girl" is a boy.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Freaking Sick

I woke up this morning feeling so sick. Headache and giddy. But, I still dragged myself to school because of 2 reasons. The first one is I don't want to be stuck at home together with my Dad. The second one is... Eileen.

My flu is so terrible that I have to sneeze my nose in class every now and then. I showed everybody around me the contents on my tissue. They freaked out. Is is really that disgusting?

I went to the bookshop to buy a new school pants because mine is torn. They don't have my size. So, I have to live with my torn pants until the stock arrives.

Just now on MSN, Hakim told me something...
Hakim: I think Eileen interested in you
Me: Don't make me happy arh
Hakim: she so interested the topic when talk about u
Me: like that only
Hakim: i say he talk to you already? without saying ur name she noe who already
Me: like dat only sia
Hakim: den she say no. she ask me when u want to talk to her. i say u very shy. den she luff
Me: den finish?
Hakim: den teacher ask us to concentrate on the lesson
Me: later i go tok den she shy.. lol she always with her frens
Hakim: ok.. i tok 2 her again

I will talk to Eileen when my period comes. Just kidding, I will talk to her when I have the chance, and guts.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

My Baby Brother

Before I start anything, have you added me on Multiply yet?

Yesterday night, or should I say this morning, my half brother came into this world at 1.23am. Nice timing huh? 123. He hasn't got a name yet and my father asked me to give him some ideas. How many of you idiots out there actually has a chance to choose a name for someone at the age of 16?

His hairstyle reminds me of Beckham. The shark fin hairstyle that is so common nowadays. Wonder how he will look like when he grows up. There is no possibility that he will look better than me because you can't get anything good when you mix my dad with a monkey.

I think I'm getting sick. Having runny nose and sore throat. I've finally found a picture, I mean two pictures of Eileen. Clear and sharp. Want to see her? I'm not sharing!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Seoul Garden

I went to Seoul Garden yesterday with my friends. Each person paid $13, but I paid $15 because some idiot only put in $11. Seoul Garden is a buffet restaurant where you must cook your own food. Wild variety of chicken, beef and many others. My favourite was the Char Siew Chicken.

After like an hour of eating, everyone became full.

So, we decided to sit down and talk so that our food can digest and we can start eating again. Make full use of the $13 we paid. Our objective was like making Seoul Garden go out of food. Typical Singaporeans.

That's Kelvin. His head is a little unclear because he's moving up and down showing his teeth and making a "guuuullll" sound. Typical idiot. Actually, we're all idiots. You want to know why? Read on.

We decided to play with the free (sort of) food. We challenged each other eating raw chicken, putting chilli and soya sauce on the Ice Kachang without the person knowing. Very gross stuffs. The best was, eating raw egg. The hero, Mani (The Black Guy).

We also made ice cream float (Ice Cream with Coke). You'll be surprised at the amount of stuffs they have at Seoul Garden. There was even Sushi after 5pm. Our ice cream float looks a bit like vomit though.

After eating for about 3 hours plus, some of us puke. I didn't because I'm still not very full. Yeah, I eat a lot. But I can't seem to grow fat. Wonder where all my food go.

Lastly, a picture of me and an idiot who think he is so cool wearing a cap. Keep forcing me to take picture with him. I don't like to take pictures unless I need to.

After all this fun, I feel so broke again.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

I Should Be President

Singapore won't get a contest for the Elected Presidency, after the Presidential Elections Committee issued only one Certificate of Eligibility to contest the poll - to President SR Nathan. I think I will make a better President. Here are some reasons to convince you.

1. I look better than SR Nathan. Take a look at the two pictures below. Who do you think is more suitable?

2. Citizens wouldn't have to "look down" on the President when having a handshake.

3. I won't lie. Imagine the President delivering a speech on Channel 5. He has to read his speech from a script. That means, he have to think before he talks. So, h e might actually be bootlicking you Singaporeans.
  • His script shows: Fellow countrymen, the 5 day work week scheme was set up to provide Singaporeans to spend more time with their families during the weekends. Thus, a more stronger bond in built.
  • What he meant was: All you idiots, the 5 day work week scheme was set up to provide an excuse for all you lazy bastards a chance not to week during the weekends. When you don't have to work, I don't have to too.
Yeah. All these are just for entertainment purposes and not to be take seriously. Nathan is a good President. Do you know that he has been learning Mandarin for the last five years. According to his tutor, he doesn't want to show off his efforts. He's very sincere and down to earth in learning the language. This secret was only out on 8th August. You rocks!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Fuck The Boy Who Likes Boy Band

You know something? I can't stand some boy bands who put on a false front and act cool. There is this boy in my class. I wonder if he is gay because he idolise the band Energy so much that he buys their every album and stuffs. I insulted the band in class today. He tried to stop my insults, but failed. You know what? God sent me here to piss the world off.

Yes. That's the four freaks from Energy. I bet Hi-5 is even more popular than them. Gary Chua said "You got more handsome than Energy or not?". Wow! He like the band because of their looks? You gotta be gay! I like Eminem for his talent and courage. He dares to voice out his opinions, even if he has to scold the President. What about Energy? Go on interview and act like they're the most innocent people on Earth.

I won't say anything if you like them for their songs or talent. But you like a boy band for their looks. You make my hair stand man.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Happy Birthday Singapore

I believe a lot of Singaporeans will be writing about this today. So, let's stop all the bullshit about writing how wonderful Singapore is. Your parents always complain about the government. Even made jokes about PAP (Pay And Pay) because your parents hate them for all the fines, bills and taxes they've paid.

Yet when the election comes, you (your parents) retards still vote for them. Did I hit the nail on your (your parents) head?

You stupid smokers complain when the goverment ban smoking in hawker centres and coffeeshops that will take effect next year. But do all you retards know that you are giving the non-smokers in the country lung cancer? You smoke, you die, your problem. You smoke, other people die, not your problem. That's the mindset you smokers have. Last week, an idiot blew smoke on my face when walking past. I stared at him and that fucker stares back as if I owe his family money. I gave him the longest finger on my left hand and walked off.

Where else in the world can you find people hanging out the Singapore flag proudly and some other idiots from the other apartments would hang out their wet clothes rather than the flag. What do you dumbasses sing in school during morning assembly? Majulah Hang Ten or Majulah Giordano?

But I love the skylines of Singapore. Look at this building. I'm not sure if it's for office or for people to stay. But what I know is this building is amazing. Great design by the architech(s).

The buildings along the Singapore River at night is amazing. But really, if you know how to admire, the HDB blocks at night can be very nice too.

Yeah. Every picture (except the smoking part) I post here is nice. Every picture I post here is taken in Singapore, our home.

Happy Birthday Singapore!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I Hate Him

He was my childhood hero, my idol, my dreams and my everything. But I was really sad after I saw the picture. Why are you so dumb to do such a thing? I respected you, the other kids like me respected you too. Why can you do this to us? You're so well known, so famous and popular.

I swear I won't hug you again, smoker.

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