Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Spook Show

I went to The Spook Show today with Mani, Tabby, Shywal and Wen Ling. We were supposed to meet at CP at 11am sharp. In the end, Tabby and Wen Ling came at 11.40am. When they arrived, they act like we were supposed to wait for them.

Went to eat at Suntec's Food Court. Shyway lunch cost her $7 which included fried crabsticks, potato, meat and one more item which I forgot. I admire her stupidity for paying. After that, they bought drinks and chocolates at Carrefour and we went to the convention hall.

When we went in, we saw this man wearing a hood walking. He was supposed to walk around and scare us. Me and Mani wanted to pull his hood down but didn't because we decided to be nice. The other 3 girls were so scared of him. First time I see people scared of man wearing makeup. A bloody one.

The show was very nice. Lawrence Khong and his daughter Priscilla did some amazing magic stuffs even though some was a little fake. Too bad the show is over and I think must wait until next year. After that Lawrence, who is a pastor, talked about God and fear. Very interesting. Wonder why he talked about some boring stuffs at church.


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