Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Our Very Own Spider Man

Today was the Teacher's Day celebration. I've to come late to school because the pizzas for the celebration will be sent to Mani's house at about 10am. So, for the first time in my life, I'm going to school late - on purpose. I went to Mani's house at about 9.30 and awhile later, the pizzas arrived.

We brought the pizzas to school and was surprised that the security guards at the main gate didn't asked us why we came late. I took the chance and asked him to help us keep the pizzas and bottled drinks at the booth.

After that, we had a class celebration for the teachers. A few guys had came up with a breakdance performance.

But, it feels so empty without me in their last minute touch up.

Look at my charm. Everyone is paying attention at my speech. I've got a real funny video. I will try to get it put together onto a website (when I find one) for you guys to download. You can ask it from me on MSN too.

Okay, let me give you a riddle. What colour is Spiderman? The answer is black. Why?

Yes. Mani is our very own Spiderman. He did a lot of high risk stuffs in school today. Most of them are taken in videos which I can only share when I get a space to host my videos. But I got some pictures though. Don't blink your eyes.

Errm, that was taken on the 3rd floor. This is some crazy shit.

For those of you in my school, you should know where this place is. I've got a video of this stunt too. This is located on the 4th floor of the school. I bet Mani is the first person to step on that roof.

The other stunts are in video. Some old thing, you'll have to wait until I find a host to store my files.


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