Sunday, August 14, 2005

I Should Be President

Singapore won't get a contest for the Elected Presidency, after the Presidential Elections Committee issued only one Certificate of Eligibility to contest the poll - to President SR Nathan. I think I will make a better President. Here are some reasons to convince you.

1. I look better than SR Nathan. Take a look at the two pictures below. Who do you think is more suitable?

2. Citizens wouldn't have to "look down" on the President when having a handshake.

3. I won't lie. Imagine the President delivering a speech on Channel 5. He has to read his speech from a script. That means, he have to think before he talks. So, h e might actually be bootlicking you Singaporeans.
  • His script shows: Fellow countrymen, the 5 day work week scheme was set up to provide Singaporeans to spend more time with their families during the weekends. Thus, a more stronger bond in built.
  • What he meant was: All you idiots, the 5 day work week scheme was set up to provide an excuse for all you lazy bastards a chance not to week during the weekends. When you don't have to work, I don't have to too.
Yeah. All these are just for entertainment purposes and not to be take seriously. Nathan is a good President. Do you know that he has been learning Mandarin for the last five years. According to his tutor, he doesn't want to show off his efforts. He's very sincere and down to earth in learning the language. This secret was only out on 8th August. You rocks!


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