Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Happy Birthday Singapore

I believe a lot of Singaporeans will be writing about this today. So, let's stop all the bullshit about writing how wonderful Singapore is. Your parents always complain about the government. Even made jokes about PAP (Pay And Pay) because your parents hate them for all the fines, bills and taxes they've paid.

Yet when the election comes, you (your parents) retards still vote for them. Did I hit the nail on your (your parents) head?

You stupid smokers complain when the goverment ban smoking in hawker centres and coffeeshops that will take effect next year. But do all you retards know that you are giving the non-smokers in the country lung cancer? You smoke, you die, your problem. You smoke, other people die, not your problem. That's the mindset you smokers have. Last week, an idiot blew smoke on my face when walking past. I stared at him and that fucker stares back as if I owe his family money. I gave him the longest finger on my left hand and walked off.

Where else in the world can you find people hanging out the Singapore flag proudly and some other idiots from the other apartments would hang out their wet clothes rather than the flag. What do you dumbasses sing in school during morning assembly? Majulah Hang Ten or Majulah Giordano?

But I love the skylines of Singapore. Look at this building. I'm not sure if it's for office or for people to stay. But what I know is this building is amazing. Great design by the architech(s).

The buildings along the Singapore River at night is amazing. But really, if you know how to admire, the HDB blocks at night can be very nice too.

Yeah. Every picture (except the smoking part) I post here is nice. Every picture I post here is taken in Singapore, our home.

Happy Birthday Singapore!


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