Sunday, August 21, 2005

My Baby Brother

Before I start anything, have you added me on Multiply yet?

Yesterday night, or should I say this morning, my half brother came into this world at 1.23am. Nice timing huh? 123. He hasn't got a name yet and my father asked me to give him some ideas. How many of you idiots out there actually has a chance to choose a name for someone at the age of 16?

His hairstyle reminds me of Beckham. The shark fin hairstyle that is so common nowadays. Wonder how he will look like when he grows up. There is no possibility that he will look better than me because you can't get anything good when you mix my dad with a monkey.

I think I'm getting sick. Having runny nose and sore throat. I've finally found a picture, I mean two pictures of Eileen. Clear and sharp. Want to see her? I'm not sharing!


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