Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Freaking Sick

I woke up this morning feeling so sick. Headache and giddy. But, I still dragged myself to school because of 2 reasons. The first one is I don't want to be stuck at home together with my Dad. The second one is... Eileen.

My flu is so terrible that I have to sneeze my nose in class every now and then. I showed everybody around me the contents on my tissue. They freaked out. Is is really that disgusting?

I went to the bookshop to buy a new school pants because mine is torn. They don't have my size. So, I have to live with my torn pants until the stock arrives.

Just now on MSN, Hakim told me something...
Hakim: I think Eileen interested in you
Me: Don't make me happy arh
Hakim: she so interested the topic when talk about u
Me: like that only
Hakim: i say he talk to you already? without saying ur name she noe who already
Me: like dat only sia
Hakim: den she say no. she ask me when u want to talk to her. i say u very shy. den she luff
Me: den finish?
Hakim: den teacher ask us to concentrate on the lesson
Me: later i go tok den she shy.. lol she always with her frens
Hakim: ok.. i tok 2 her again

I will talk to Eileen when my period comes. Just kidding, I will talk to her when I have the chance, and guts.


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