Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Cooking Master Boy

Alright. On Sunday, I cooked my own dinner - for the first time. But it wouldn't be my last time because I believe in "practice makes perfect". Judging from that line, I think you should have found out how's the result of the food. I went down to the supermarket and bought these.

I packet of square stuffs on the top left is "tau pok". The one of the top right is obviously crab meat. The ball thing below is chicken ball. I was getting ready to cook and I found out something important was missing. Yes, the noodles. I forgot to buy the noodles! I ran to get it.

My sister came home and I was glad for that. If not I wouldn't even know how to cook the noodles and to think that I can manage everything myself. The picture you see above is the cooked noodles. We had a hard time debating on how to cook it.

We cut up the side dishes and prepared to cook it. Anyway, if you find this post boring, you will be surprised to hear that cooking is two times more boring than reading this. But, the eat the food you cook is a different story.

The end result look something like this. Except there is noodles. The noodles taste like... Let's just say chilli sauce taste nicer than the noodles alright? I'm going to cook again tomorrow - if my sister agrees to finish the food.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Bite Me

The dengue thing is getting more and more serious. Even my sister has it. I'm so worried that I might get bitten because my blood tastes like strawberry milk. Stupid Aedes mosquitoes. I wonder why mosquitoes suck blood, can't they just be normal and eat a bowl of laksa or something?

At least a bowl of laksa looks - and taste - nicer than a pool of blood right?

This isn't my blood of course. My blood is pink and tastes like strawberry milk. Really right? A bowl of laksa looks better than a pool of blood. Stupid mosquitoes, want to eat also don't know how to choose nice food. But we still respect the mosquitoes cause we still put pictures of Aedes in public areas. So unfair, we put pictures of them some more they still want bite us.

But having a lot of mosquitoes around is not a bad thing after all. It creates job for people. Don't believe me?

Government have to hire all these people to do such an easy job of spraying smoke around the area. You can play and still get paid! OH WAIT. What is Mani doing in the rubbish chute? Oh, I forgot. He stays there.

So remember, if you see such mosquito on your skin, think twice about killing it. But always remember, the mosquito won't think twice about biting you. It's life or your life? Think about it.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

A Good Name

The name that is given to you is a very important one. It follows you unless for the rest of your life. So it's very important for your parents to choose a good name for you, if not people will make fun of your name.

Take for example, my baby brother. Amos Ang.

This little brat disturbs me when he grows up, I will definitely say "Fuck off Anus". Anyway, his name was chosen by me.

There's also my little sister. Lina Ang. I used to scold her "Gan Lina".

Sorry Ben, have to use your stead as an example. Who ask Shawn to take her picture today. Her name is Ruo Ping. We call her Robin for fun. Ben, I think I want to call you Batman already.

Next time, choose a good name for your kids!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Pose For You Pictures 2

People still did not take my warning about posing for your pictures if not you'll end up looking worse.
Taken secretly because Ben didn't want to take a picture. Too bad, now you look like this.

Once again, pose for your pictures. Else you'll end up looking like a big red tomato or in this case, Luo Han.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Public Toilet

I love the toilet of Compass Point. Why? Because it's clean, has aircon and radio. Nice place for you to urine or shit. I went there a few days back because I wanted to shit.

Nice place right? For all the females reading my blog, you can now look at the male toilet closely. The police won't catch you. One thing about us male is that we're not shy about our body parts. Unlike girls, they do everything behind closed doors. It's only a body part right?

Anyway, I went into one of the cubicles and looked behind the door. Nobody has vandalised the door yet. Bloody hell, how can a toilet be so plain? At least need some decoration right? So people can shit and read at the same time.

I decided to put my art talent to use by helping Compass Point to decorate the door. At least the people after me who uses this cubicle can admire art and shit at the same time.

And suddenly, I heard a siren in my cubicle. "Vandaliser Detected. Please be seated on the toilet bowl or else the smart bomb will blow up your ass!". Shit. I had no intention to run anyway because I'm still shitting. Suddenly, the door opened and...

"One move and I'll blast your brains off!". I got angry because I don't like it when people point a gun at me when I'm shitting. I wipe my butt with a piece of tissue paper and I covered his face with it. I wore my pants and went home.

End of story. Let me give some updates about Eileen. I got her number 2 days back in a rather lame way (details here). And over the past 2 days, we sent 50 sms. Now I finally understand why people can overuse their sms limit. My plan got 500 free SMS. Wonder what's hers. Must ask her later.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Missed Me?

I was missing in action for the past few days because I went to stay at my Grandma's house in Sengkang. My grandparents went to China a few days back and I went to Changi Airport to send them off.

My Dad sent me there on his motorbike. I rarely sat on his bike, not more than 10 times in my entire life. But I love the thrill, the wind blowing against you. Of course, since I'm so cool, my Dad has to give me his stylish helmet too.

The next day, Mani and I decided to go to Changi Airport too. His little brother came along. 3 person is a little boring so we called Simon. He agreed happily. I think this must be the first time people ask him come out. We found out that Tabby and Wen Ling were also at the airport. What coincidence.

They were there to study. We were there to play. Since it was Mani's first time visiting the airport, I became the tour guide. Actually, I'm also not very familiar with the airport.

This picture is taken in Terminal 2. We went to a bookshop there and saw this book about Karma Sutra. For those of you who are still so innocent, Karma Sutra is simply sex positions. Mani took the book and opened it. OH MY GOD. The book has real pictures of 2 person having sex.

After that, we all went to the MRT area. The place is so nice. Tabby and Wen Ling decided to change place to study and they came over to meet us.

Went back to Terminal 1 and ate at this dumb place called Popeyes. Their food (the biscuits) taste as horrible as cat food. Stupid Tabby, don't know how to bring to nice place. Went home after that.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Pose For Your Pictures

On Friday, I decided to take some pictures of my friends so that I can put them on my new personal website. Actually, I only had 2 friends with me at that time. Mani and Kelvin. Mani posed for the picture and it ended up good.

Kelvin's turn. I tried to take him but he kept putting his head down. Too bad, Mani and his brothers grabbed him and they struggled. In the meantime, I took a shot. Surprisingly despite their struggle, I managed to snap his face.

After awhile, they finally managed to stop him completely and I took another shot.

He should have just posed for the camera. Now ge end up looking like a big red tomato in the pictures. He could have used his trademark pose like what he did in Seoul Garden.

Or he could have just sticked out his damn tounge like what this guy did (I don't know him, found it on the internet).

Moral of the story: Pose for pictures or you'll end up looking more disgusting. For example, a big red tomato.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Changi Trip

Me, Darius, Kelvin and Mani went to Changi today to look at some fishing stuffs.

After that, we went to the hotspots in Changi where we can enjoy ourselves. No! Not those transexuals. It's the infamous Old Changi Hospital. When we reached there, we have to climb this long stretch of stairs up to OCH. Before we could reach the halfway line, we saw the dog. The dog that is supposed to guard OCH with the security guard.

No choice, we moved on. Saw another stretch of stairs that lead to the other side of OCH. We went up, saw nothing. I made a "Woo" sound and Mani thought it was the dog. He ran down the staircase like a mad dog. Me and Darius followed because we thought he saw the dog. Kelvin didn't go up because he was scared. We then realized Mani has mistaken my "Woo" for the dog.

Other than OCH, the area also has other blocks like these. And can you imagine there is a guard looking after the place alone? We made friends with the guard and managed to went into one of these blocks. Nothing much. Dark, empty and full or rooms.

Upon reaching the end of the block, there is a locked gate. There is a bridge. It has a myth. According to Kelvin, those who crossed the bridge to the other end will not be able to come back. We didn't try crossing it. Rather be safe than sorry. It's locked anyway.

We continued walking and we saw OCH again. We then realized that the whole place is a small mountain and we've walked a full circle.

Before we could move in any furthur, the dog appeared. Mani, the hero for the day, went towards it, took out his belt and pretended that he is trying to attack the dog. The dog ran away. That's how the dog which many before us feared because stories said that the dog is very fierce, was defeated, by a black guy with a belt.

So, with the bravery of Mani, I managed to take this picture.

And this. We didn't go in though. Too scary. Dark and filled with mirrors inside. The green line on the picture was a line that blocks the staircase (this picture is taken with my phone near the line). We went back afterwards.

End of our little adventure.

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