Tuesday, September 20, 2005

A Good Name

The name that is given to you is a very important one. It follows you unless for the rest of your life. So it's very important for your parents to choose a good name for you, if not people will make fun of your name.

Take for example, my baby brother. Amos Ang.

This little brat disturbs me when he grows up, I will definitely say "Fuck off Anus". Anyway, his name was chosen by me.

There's also my little sister. Lina Ang. I used to scold her "Gan Lina".

Sorry Ben, have to use your stead as an example. Who ask Shawn to take her picture today. Her name is Ruo Ping. We call her Robin for fun. Ben, I think I want to call you Batman already.

Next time, choose a good name for your kids!


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