Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Cooking Master Boy

Alright. On Sunday, I cooked my own dinner - for the first time. But it wouldn't be my last time because I believe in "practice makes perfect". Judging from that line, I think you should have found out how's the result of the food. I went down to the supermarket and bought these.

I packet of square stuffs on the top left is "tau pok". The one of the top right is obviously crab meat. The ball thing below is chicken ball. I was getting ready to cook and I found out something important was missing. Yes, the noodles. I forgot to buy the noodles! I ran to get it.

My sister came home and I was glad for that. If not I wouldn't even know how to cook the noodles and to think that I can manage everything myself. The picture you see above is the cooked noodles. We had a hard time debating on how to cook it.

We cut up the side dishes and prepared to cook it. Anyway, if you find this post boring, you will be surprised to hear that cooking is two times more boring than reading this. But, the eat the food you cook is a different story.

The end result look something like this. Except there is noodles. The noodles taste like... Let's just say chilli sauce taste nicer than the noodles alright? I'm going to cook again tomorrow - if my sister agrees to finish the food.


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