Friday, September 16, 2005

Public Toilet

I love the toilet of Compass Point. Why? Because it's clean, has aircon and radio. Nice place for you to urine or shit. I went there a few days back because I wanted to shit.

Nice place right? For all the females reading my blog, you can now look at the male toilet closely. The police won't catch you. One thing about us male is that we're not shy about our body parts. Unlike girls, they do everything behind closed doors. It's only a body part right?

Anyway, I went into one of the cubicles and looked behind the door. Nobody has vandalised the door yet. Bloody hell, how can a toilet be so plain? At least need some decoration right? So people can shit and read at the same time.

I decided to put my art talent to use by helping Compass Point to decorate the door. At least the people after me who uses this cubicle can admire art and shit at the same time.

And suddenly, I heard a siren in my cubicle. "Vandaliser Detected. Please be seated on the toilet bowl or else the smart bomb will blow up your ass!". Shit. I had no intention to run anyway because I'm still shitting. Suddenly, the door opened and...

"One move and I'll blast your brains off!". I got angry because I don't like it when people point a gun at me when I'm shitting. I wipe my butt with a piece of tissue paper and I covered his face with it. I wore my pants and went home.

End of story. Let me give some updates about Eileen. I got her number 2 days back in a rather lame way (details here). And over the past 2 days, we sent 50 sms. Now I finally understand why people can overuse their sms limit. My plan got 500 free SMS. Wonder what's hers. Must ask her later.


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