Thursday, September 01, 2005

Changi Trip

Me, Darius, Kelvin and Mani went to Changi today to look at some fishing stuffs.

After that, we went to the hotspots in Changi where we can enjoy ourselves. No! Not those transexuals. It's the infamous Old Changi Hospital. When we reached there, we have to climb this long stretch of stairs up to OCH. Before we could reach the halfway line, we saw the dog. The dog that is supposed to guard OCH with the security guard.

No choice, we moved on. Saw another stretch of stairs that lead to the other side of OCH. We went up, saw nothing. I made a "Woo" sound and Mani thought it was the dog. He ran down the staircase like a mad dog. Me and Darius followed because we thought he saw the dog. Kelvin didn't go up because he was scared. We then realized Mani has mistaken my "Woo" for the dog.

Other than OCH, the area also has other blocks like these. And can you imagine there is a guard looking after the place alone? We made friends with the guard and managed to went into one of these blocks. Nothing much. Dark, empty and full or rooms.

Upon reaching the end of the block, there is a locked gate. There is a bridge. It has a myth. According to Kelvin, those who crossed the bridge to the other end will not be able to come back. We didn't try crossing it. Rather be safe than sorry. It's locked anyway.

We continued walking and we saw OCH again. We then realized that the whole place is a small mountain and we've walked a full circle.

Before we could move in any furthur, the dog appeared. Mani, the hero for the day, went towards it, took out his belt and pretended that he is trying to attack the dog. The dog ran away. That's how the dog which many before us feared because stories said that the dog is very fierce, was defeated, by a black guy with a belt.

So, with the bravery of Mani, I managed to take this picture.

And this. We didn't go in though. Too scary. Dark and filled with mirrors inside. The green line on the picture was a line that blocks the staircase (this picture is taken with my phone near the line). We went back afterwards.

End of our little adventure.


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