Thursday, November 17, 2005

Exclusive: Jurassic Park IV

The latest Jurassic Park movie was Jurassic Park III that was shown in 2001. Director Joe Johnston has recently announced a new movie which will be titled "Jurassic Park: Who Ate My Vegetables?"

Over here, I have the exclusive news and pictures for the new movie.

The Movie Poster

This will be the poster for the new movie which is currently in the making. The filming location is over at Bukit Timah Hill in Singapore. Barney has been chosen to take on the role as the lead actor in the new movie because Joe Johnston thinks that with Barney's fierce looks, the show would be a hit.

Alongside Barney, Baby Bop and BJ would also be in the movie.

The movie has a twist in the plot. Because, in this movie, it's no longer Dinosaur eat Man. This movie will be about Barney and his friends go on a search for their missing vegetables and they have to escape from humans who hunt dinosaurs for their meat. What fate awaits Barney and his friends? Will they find their vegetables and have a happy ending? Or will Barney end up in a bowl of soup? Watch the movie to find out.

Remember, you seen it here first!

Note: You guys are a bunch of idiots if you believe this


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