Monday, October 17, 2005

Stupid Questions

Yesterday, I was forced to cut my hair by my dad because I lost a bet with him. I went to the shop for my haircut.

Lady: Boy, jian tou fa arh? (Boy, cutting hair?)
Me: Arh. (Yes.)

What a stupid question. During the haircut, I thought to myself what if I answered it my way.

Lady: Boy, haircut?
Me: No lah, I want to buy laksa.
Lady: We don't sell laksa here.
Me: Oh, what about chicken rice?
Lady: Excuse me, this is a saloon and we don't sell food.
Me: Alright, give me a can of coke then.

I went to school today and one of my friend asked me...

Friend: Eh, you go cut hair?
Me: No la, my hair drop.

Typical idiots with their stupid questions.


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