Saturday, October 01, 2005

Prata Land

Yesterday we all went down to Jalan Kayu for dinner.

As usual, there was Mee Goreng and Milo Dinosaur for me. Going down to Jalan Kayu doesn't mean you must eat Roti Prata right? If that's the case, go Geylang must find girl?

Actually before going there, they have already planned to whack me 16 times because I "escaped" on Wednesday. Rajiv sent a SMS to everyone of them - except me of course. But, since I've the brains of a good policeman. I knew about their plan, but I act as if I don't know anything.

This photo was taken secretly. The next few you're about to see was taken secretly too.

Please don't feel shy about seeing your pictures up here. I've no intention to take them. It was all my finger's fault. Anyway, the uncle gave me a free prata because I did a gay stunt with Terry. Taking the satay from his mouth. After that, Rajiv dragged me to a dark place and they beat me up. At first it was painful but after that it became like a massage because they were only kick my legs.

After that we all went to the bus stop and Gary climbed up there.

Suddenly, the police came out from nowhere and shot him in the head because they thought he was an alien. He was pronounced dead on the spot. I've to go for his funeral later.

I was just kidding about the police part.


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