Friday, October 07, 2005

My Secret Recipe

The four of us went to Compass Point to study. Ming Xuan, Chew Mui, Rajiv and me. We were supposed to be studying at the library but I received a call that to meet them at Burger King. I thought "Here goes my studying plan". Sure enough when I reached there, I didn't have any mood to study.

What happens when you've a friend working at Burger King counter? Yes, a lot of food for almost no price.

I think the Burger King in Compass Point will have to close down because of the loss they made today. We took a lot of stuffs. Ice Milo, burgers etc. Since there was so much food, I decided to create my own recipe, Joseph's Mashed Potatoes.

What you need is simple. Some fries...

Put all of them into your mouth and start chewing. Spit out the contents. The mashed potatoes is done.

To add design and flavour, take a french fries (or french fry?) and an onion ring and stuff them on top.

Final step, stuff everything into your mouth. Enjoy!


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