Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Match Day

Today's match was CVSS (Compassvale Secondary School) vs CVSS Alumni (Alumni means Ex-Cvss Students [Graduates]).

*bish* "You think you lesser hair than me I scared you!?"

When the refree blew the whistle, I started punching my opponent. Wait, it was suppose to be a soccer match.

"Why yellow card? I thought it was supposed to be a boxing match!"

Anyway I didn't punch my opponent. Don't ask me to write out what happen during the match. I didn't bother to remember. You think I would keep thinking on what to write on my blog when playing? I was putting my mind on the match. We've to win this.

"Don't show me your monkey face. At least show me a cow's face. Reminds me of milk."

All I remembered was the ball was hard and I've to keep heading the ball. Now, my head still hurts.

Teammate: Please Joseph, can I kiss you? I need the motivation.
Joseph: Alright mate. Do what you want... and I will charge accordingly, pay by cash only.

Gary Wong scored 3 goals and Gary Lim scored only just one. The final score was 4-3. After that match, we overheard those bunch of fucking sore losers saying "Such team also we can lose".


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