Thursday, October 06, 2005

If Life Was A Traffic Light

People face obstacles in their life. Be it minor or major problems, they'll have to solve it somehow. I'm going to throw away the funny side of me in this post and write about something serious. I'm sorry if I bore you with this post... Wait! Why should I say sorry? If you're not interested, get lost.

If only life was in the form of a traffic light. Why?

I can change my colour, my mood, as and when I like. Green, Orange (I don't think they call the middle one "orange") and Red. These colours can represent my mood and I will stay green (happy) all the time. The cars (my life) can go past smoothly. If I turn red (bad mood) one day, the cars (my life) and the drivers (my family and friends) will come to a halt and won't be able to continue smoothly like it did before. I would rather stay green.

If only life was in the form of a traffic light. Why?

I can have a direction to tell me where I should move. I wouldn't be stuck in a place because I don't know how to move on. I can also tell another person in need. Everybody would be moving towards that direction and life wouldn't be so complicated. But if somebody decides to move against the direction, the only result is that he will get knocked down by a car because he made the wrong decision.

If only life was in the form of a traffic light. Why?

We will get to know when we're going to die. 19 seconds, 19 minutes, 19 hours, 19 days, 19 weeks, 19 months, 19 years. If we get to know when're we going to die, we can do what we want to do and die without any regrets.

If only life was in the form of a traffic light. If only.

But we aren't. We have got to decide our mood, we have got to find our direction in life. Although we can't get to know when we'll die but we can grab the opportunity and do what we want to do.

Cheer up "twin". This post is partly for you too. I don't know how come I can write so complicated stuffs also. Smile always!

Note: I spent 50mins of my life writing this post. Even though you only need 5 minutes to read it, I hope the contents will stay with you guys (and girls, and you "twin) for a long long time.


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