Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Visited Mr. Broken Leg

We went to Russell's house today to visit him because his broke his leg while playing soccer on Sunday. We bought for him potatoe chips and Kit-Kat. When I saw him lying on the mattress, I look around. Nothing was keeping him entertained. I wonder how can he go on for the next two weeks being so boring.

He may look happy in this picture but imagine him lying there when we're gone. I can't do that. I will go break all my friend's legs and make them lie beside me.

See how swollen his leg is? I'm glad that it wasn't me. Anyway, I was very popular in my class today because I've put a poster of soon to be released movie, Wet Dreams 2 on my file. Everybody was coming to me and asking to take a look at my file.

When one of my classmate what's the storyline of the movie, my imagination ran wild and I told him my made-up version of the movie. Wet Dreams 2: Girls With Bladder Problems.

The movie is about some girls who had bladder problems staying overnight at their teacher's (a male) house. During the night, the girls dreamt about a very comfortable toilet and they pissed there, wetting the whole bed.

The movie is about how the girls trying to find a bedsheet in the house (they couldn't buy one because it's late in the night) so that they could replace the wet one. Hence the title, Wet Dreams.

Oh yeah, I saw her twice today. The first one was before we went to Russell's house. We went to the toilet to call him and when we went out, she was beside the dustbin. I ran away because I was too scared and Noor was there saying me.

The second time was also outside the toilet. Kelvin, Mani and Darius was with me. We walk past her then Mani's mouth started shitting again (Eileen knows I like her). He keep shouting: "Joseph!! Joseph!! Who you like? Say leh". That stupid charcoal man cannot keep his mouth shut. I replied in a loud voice too: "Your mother".

For those people who wants to kick my ass, let me remind you. Today is only Tuesday.


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