Sunday, July 10, 2005

Pimples Review

Everybody hates pimples. Your classmates, friends, mates and your Uncle. Sorry, adults rarely have breakouts unless they don't take care of their skin. The victims are usually teenagers because they're undergoing puberty, including me.

So how do I take care of my face? I wash my face 3 times a day. In the morning, the afternoon and in the night. But I wonder why I still get pimples once in awhile. So, I decided to change my facial cleanser.

I was previously using this. Not bad but I think not so suitable for teenagers. So, after a pimple appeared on my face yesterday, I decided to switch.

The first time I used it, I found out that the contents is a liquid-gel type of substance. So if you turn in upside down, the gel will all drip out without you squeezing it. But I mastered the skill of controlling the flow in the toilet. See? You can even learn new skills in the toilet.

So what do you do if you've a pimple on your face? My favourite, Oxy 10.

There's another Oxy 5 but that sucks because it's 50% less the power of Oxy 10. Ignore all the rubbish saying that Oxy 10 might be too strong for your condition because the people at Oxy like to lie a lot. Wishing you a pimple-free year ahead!


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