Saturday, July 09, 2005

Jalan Kayu

Friday night, went for dinner at Jalan Kayu. Saw many people who have the same skin colour as Mani. Not being a racist but that sentence was made is to indirectly say that the street is full of Indians.

We went to this restaurant because we didn't really like the popular one because we have to wait so long. This restaurant also not bad cause people actually come to you and take your orders. I ordered Mee Goreng, Milo Dinosaur and Roti Prata.

After 15 mins, the food on the table suddenly disappeared. I'm currently investigating this case of "Missing Food at Jalan Kayu".

People who have information about the missing food can call me. Your identity will be kept a secret. The two prime suspects are the two botaks, Jeremiah and Rajiv.

I decided to stare at Rajiv and all he did was to give a sulking face and looked at the table.

He thinks I will drop him off the list by giving such a face. Sorry Rajiv, you're still a prime suspect.


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